Sex nerd
A little bit about me
I provide a fun, sensual fuck-buddy experience - we’ll explore each other’s bodies, make each other feel amazing, share some giggles and some orgasms. I’m not quite GFE, not quite PSE - I enjoy hedonistic pleasure without labels. I offer you the chance to make a genuine connection with me, to get to know me physically and personally in a glorious and beautiful sexual moment - for a fee. Like most people, my body changes depending on my activity levels and hobbies. The pictures here reflect that - I'm currently a busty size 10 and still losing weight/ regaining my fitness. I strongly believe in protecting our physical and emotional health, and will not see anyone who does not respect screen all new clients & will ask you to provide a Covid certificate & proof of ID - it’s to keep us both safe & healthy. I value my reputation for treating both my clients & myself with the utmost respect, and I won’t do anything that puts either of us at risk. Thank you in advance for your cheerful cooperation, it’s very much appreciated
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Adult contacts & hook ups in Personals
Anya 21 seeking Newcastle guys. No Fees

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