Tantric erotic massage Best
A little bit about me
Hello, my name Karina Welcome to my Tantric massage Start of the Massage I will bring a music player, and play tantric music, which is designed to help create a perfect will also turn the lights down low, so that it is dim, but that you can see me in the dim lighting. You will now be lying face down on the towel and I will begin by pouring some warm oil on your back, and tenderly rubbing it in. I will use both hands and sensually excite the receptors of your will massage you shoulders, arms and your neck. This will continue for a short while, and This process is to ensure that you completely relaxed I caresses your inner thighs and bottom, but the focus is not in that area just yet, only a will continue the Tantric Massage, taking you deeper in to the Tantric experience. I will sense when it is time for the final phase and that will be the Lingam Years ExperienceSoft music,clean towels,shower Day Bookings call me or text to book.
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