Search for escorts Gillingham, UK
Gillingham escorts, escort agencies and massage parlours can advertise for free on Pumpsmag. Find the sexiest Kent escorts and erotic Gillingham massage here.
Gillingham escorts, escort agencies and massage parlours can advertise for free on Pumpsmag. Find the sexiest Kent escorts and erotic Gillingham massage here.
Hi Guys, we are a group of local swinging couples that have greedy wives. We always like to see new faces to help satisfy these greedy cum slut women (we love them really).
Should Kent brothels be legal?
Firstly the question should be asked; What is a brothel?
A brothel is a place where men gather and resort with women for illicit sexual intercourse. Sometimes they are called Bordellos or Houses of Ill repute. But the reality is somewhat different. If a woman is working as an erotic masseuse from her own home and charging for sex, that is perfectly legal. Prostitution in the UK is not illegal. But if the same woman has a receptionist with her and is obviously not a sex worker, she is just for protection and answering the phones if the escort is busy with a client, then she is classed as running a Gillingham brothel. This law is ludicrous. All the law is doing is putting women at risk of being attacked and robbed, which happens too often.
Everyone knows that there are massage parlors in Gillingham where men go for sexual services, why not make it legal? This would stop the criminal element of infiltrating the escort and massage businesses, it would also put millions of pounds into the government coffers through taxation of the escort and erotic Medway massage parlours. Just like the legalisation of marijuana, the governments are too little too late. They could have made the escort industry legal years ago and made history by being the first government to actually do something positive in cleaning up the sex industry and having regulations as they do in Germany.
Because escorts Kent have to make the choice to decide whether they stay safe with other workers in a brothel (which are against the law to manage) or getting arrested, sex workers' health is at risk. Sex work is not regulated at the moment, which makes sex workers in Gillingham vulnerable because they are not getting the healthcare that they need or deserve. They should be having health check ups, on a regular basis, relevant vaccinations and receiving the treatment if they need it.
Having sex workers decriminalised helps protect them from violent attacks, which usually go unreported for fear of becoming the accused themselves and possibly getting arrested on a related prostitution charge. It also protects workers from discrimination, along with providing safe working conditions and giving them access to social benefits if needed.
Whether you agree or disagree with sex workers in Gillingham being made legal, it is still a job, a profession and no one should be in danger because of their job. Everyone has the right of working safely, having access to benefits and receiving the help they need.
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