
Pontypool, UK

Come be my submissive.

A little bit about me

Im straight but dont mind both, message me on whatsapp and ill make your wildest fantasys come true. I want to cum for your pleasure and be submissive and a dominent offering services of any kinds, each to thier own nothing is out of boundsšŸ˜˜ Txt during the day between and 3pm!! and calls from 9pm on thanks, i dont appreciate as a single parent being woken up sats and sunday mornings before 9am!! Do not ring! Txt instead i have already stated this above Also any PRIVATE NUMBER CALLS WILL NOT BE ANSWERED. šŸ©µ I would like to put it out there i dont meet for sex!! I DONT SHARE MY ADDRESS WITH ANY CUSTOMER. Whatsapp video calls Ā£30 for the hour Personal pics Ā£10 Personal vids 50 Sexting phone calls all at the prices covered set at Ā£30per hour


Personal Details

Age 34

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Adult contacts & hook ups in Personals

Joyce Pontypool No Fees

In-car BJā€™s. If you are in Pontypool send me a message

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