I am not your typical escort because
A little bit about me
I believe in giving tremendous value in order to receive tremendous value I offer most services and will not negotiate my price because I know my value. This is why I prefer to only see well-to-do men who can also appreciate all the value. VIP men never ask inappropriate questions and they are always polite. I am very selective and not available to every man that contacts me. I’m a high-quality woman with much to offer and so much to learn. For me, this is not just about generous donations. I love to learn new things and especially valuable things that I didn’t learn in school. If you love being listened to and admired for the brilliant man you are… please contact me ASAP. I take all major debit and credit cards and don’t discuss these things until I’m comfortable with you. I won’t leave you disappointed. Please be prepared
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Adult contacts & hook ups in Personals
Lucia, 38, Medford, My Place No Fees.

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